Pos si ble Spa tial Ex tent of Ion o spheric GPS - TEC and NmF 2 Anom a lies Re lated to the 1999 Chi - Chi and Chia - Yi Earth quakes in Taiwan


  • Masahide Nishihashi
  • Katsumi Hattori

Sci en tists an a lyzed tem po ral vari a tions of lo cal data re corded in Tai wan and re ported anom a lous re duc tions in the ion o spheric to tal elec tron con tent (TEC) on days 4 and 3 be fore (17 and 18 Sep tem ber) the Chi-Chi earth quake (Mw 7.6, ML 7.3), and days 3 and 1 prior to (19 and 21 Oc to ber) the Chia-Yi earth quake (ML 6.4) in Tai wan. In this pa per, we pro pose a spa tial anal y sis which com pares the data re corded in side and out side of the earth quake area around Tai wan to dis crim i nate whether the anom a lies are lo cal (earth quake re lated) or global (non-earth quake re lated) phe nom ena. Re sults sug gest that the anom a lies ap pear ing day 3 be fore the Chi-Chi earth quake, and days 3 and 1 be fore the Chia-Yi earth quake are lo cal (earth quake re lated) phe nom ena and the anom aly ap pear ing on 17 Sep tem ber 1999 (day 4 be fore) might be the re sult of both global phe nom ena (i.e., a geomagnetic storm) and the local effect of the Chi-Chi earthquake.

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تاریخ انتشار 2009